I received my Ph.D degree in Control Science and Engineering from Hunan University, China, in 2021, under the supervision of Prof. Wei Sun. During my Ph.D, I was also affiliated with the National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology. From 2019 to 2021, I studied in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore as a visiting scholar, under the supervision of Prof. Roger Zimmermann.

My research interests include:

  • Indoor Localization with Wireless Sensing and Analytics
  • Multi-robot Multi-task Allocation in Unknown Environment
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
  • 3D Sensor and Time of Flight (ToF)

Please refer to Google Scholar for my full publications.

🔥 News

  • 2021.10:  🎉 I have completed my degree!

👩‍💻 Work Experience

📝 Selected Publications


Locate the mobile device by enhancing the WiFi-based indoor localization model

M Xue, W Sun, H Yu, H Tang, A Lin, X Zhang, R Zimmermann

  • The Access Point(AP) discrimination criterion (APDC) is introduced to quantify the discernibility of the APs detected in the workspace
  • Localization residual is fed and learnt by the model, and large localization errors are mitigated by the location modification method

Augmentation of Fingerprints for Indoor WiFi Localization Based on Gaussian Process Regression

W Sun, M Xue*, H Yu, H Tang, A Lin

  • Gaussian process regression models predict the spatial distribution of signal strength in the uncalibrated domain
  • the compound kernels for received signal strength (RSS) prediction models are presented

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • [2019]  Excellent Doctoral School Scholarship
  • [2019]  Scholarship for Postgraduate Program Sponsored by China Scholarship Council
  • [2018]  First-Class Prize of China Industry-University Cooperation Innovation Program
  • [2014 / 2016]  First-Class Scholarship of Hunan University
  • [2013]  Second-Class Prize in the Mathematics Competition for College Students in Hunan Province